The now renamed Passerelle Abbé Paul Couturier |
Lyon & Francheville
8 - 10 November 2002
Interconfessional University Colloquium
Centre Saint-Irénée - Centre Unité Chrétienne - Faculté de Théologie de Lyon
Friday 8 November - Catholic University of Lyon - Salle Jean-Paul II
7-30 pm
Welcome to Participants
by Mgr Francois Tricard, Rector of the Catholic University of Lyon, and Xavier Lacroix, Dean of the
Faculty of Theology
9-00 pm
Introduction to the Colloquium
Fr Pierre Lathuilière, director of the
Centre Unité Chrétienne
Paul Couturier, a Lyon priest in his time
Address and Discussion led by Étienne Fouilloux, Professor Emeritus at Lyon 2
Saturday 9 November - Maison St Joseph
9-00 am
The Abbé Couturier and England
Address and Discussion led by the Revd Canon Roger Greenacre, former co-president of the joint Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission
10-45 am
Discussion on historical themes
Brother Emile from Taizé: The Perspective from Taizé
Christian Chanel: Painstakingly Planting Spiritual Ecumenism in Sweden
Mme Marie Gostanian: The Twenty-Four Hours Prayer of Nerses
11-45 am
Ecumenical Service with the brethren from Taizé
2-30 pm
Spiritual Ecumenism - an Orthodox View
Address and Discussion led by Fr André Borelly, Orthodox priest and philosophy lecturer
4-00 pm
The Christian Faith and the Necessity of Unity
Address and Discussion led by Bernard Rondorf, Professor in the Faculty of Protestant Theology at Geneva
5-45 pm
Discussion on theological themes
Father Jean Alberti: Canon Richard, theologian, interpreter and mentor for the Abbé Couturier
Mme Nathalie Malabre: Carlhian, Remillieux and Couturier
Pastor Marc Spindler: The missionary dimension of Spiritual Ecumenism
Father Pierre Michalon: The Invisible Monastery
8-30 pm
The Christian Faith and the Imperative of Unity
Address and Discussion led by Dom Thaddée Barnas of the Abbey of Chevetogne in Belgium
10-00 pm
A Musical and Spiritual Introduction for the Night
John 17.21 sung in Arabic - Father Paul Rouhana
Sunday 10 November - Maison St Joseph
9-00 am
The Abbé Couturier, Spiritual Ecumenism and the Community of Grandchamp
Address and Discussion led by Sister Minke, former prioress of the Protestant Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland
The Abbé Couturier and Taizé
Fabien Gaulué, researching a doctorate in history
10-30 am
Short discussion on spiritual themes
Dominique Beloeil: The introduction and growth of the Week of Prayer for Unity in Western France, 1945-1959
Father Paul Rouhana: Spiritual Ecumenism as a service to the Christian presence in the Middle East
Father Pierre Lathuilière: The unity of prayer and worship
Father René Beaupère: Spiritual brightness with a grey background - Couturier the teacher
11-30 am
Ecumenical Service led by the Sisters of Saint Andrew
2-00 pm
The Future of Spiritual Ecumenism
A 'round table' of ecumenical networks, led by Mme Anne-Maire Gérard, former editor-in-chief of 'Unité Chrétienne'
Conclusions and Thanks
Fr René Beaupère, director of the Centre St-Irénée, and Father Pierre Lathuilière
4-30 pm
A Tour in the Footsteps of Paul Couturier
Honorary Council of Reference
Cardinal Louis-Marie Billé
Archbishop of Lyon
Pastor Jean-Arnold de Clermont
President of the Protestant Federation of France
The Rt Revd Geoffrey Rowell
Anglican Bishop of Europe
Metropolitan Jérémie
President of the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France, and of the Conference of European Churches
Cardinal Walter Kasper
President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
Pastor Konrad Reiser
Secretary General of the World Council of Churches
Mgr Norvan Zakarian
Bishop of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Lyon
Centre Unité Chrétienne
2 rue Jean Carriès
69005 Lyon
Tel: +33 (0)4 78 42 11 67
Fax: +33 (0)4 72 77 68 99
Also, see the website of the
Catholic University of Lyon